Emily Rockman

Emily Rockman

Mother of Two, Mathematician, Photographer

Growing up I was the rare breed of kid that never changed what I wanted to be when I grew up. I was going to be a veterinarian. I loved animals. That never changed. I even went to summer camp in high school for aspiring veterinarians. It just solidified what I wanted to do.

Then I took an intro biology class my first semester of college.

I promptly dropped the class and changed my major to mathematics. I had come to the realization that I had probably romanticized being a veterinarian my entire life. I didn’t really like biology. It wasn’t interesting to me. I didn’t enjoy it. That was going to make a long 8+ years to becoming a veterinarian - something I probably wouldn’t even enjoy!

My second course altering realization happened towards the end of college when I realized that, while I did love mathematics, I wasn’t sure what I would do with the major when I graduated. Graduate school wasn’t somewhere I was ready to go. So I joined the UTeach program and got my teaching certificate where I promptly got a job teaching high school freshman mathematics.

That lasted 1.5 years.

The summer after that last semester teaching I was applying for all kinds of jobs. I ended up getting a position as a Analyst Trainee with the University of Texas. It was a paid position where I was taught to program (on a mainframe!) and then hired within the University to work full time. It was a great program and a turning point for me professionally. I stayed with them, working in the same department for the majority of that time, for over 8 years. In that time I moved out of the country and back again. I went on vacations. I met my now husband. I learned more programming languages. I passed on knowledge to others. I became the campus expert on various subjects. I grew professionally.

Then I had my son and @rocktavious and I decided that it was time to help our son grow and I was going to take a break from work. Since then I’ve been raising an amazing boy, had an amazing girl, and decided to (slowly) begin to work again.

But this time, the work would be on my terms. @Rocktavious and I started Red Owl Games and started our journey in game development. I’ve been taking care of a lot of the business dealings with getting the company up and running. I’ve also enjoyed learning about Unity and C#. But reality hit again. Game development is not my passion. But what is?

My passion comes in questioning. Why? How? Is X really causing Y?

Latest Articles

life learn

February Postmortem

It’s laughable how I thought there was a weather whiplash in early February. Having lived through Snovid 2021, I now know what weather whiplash is.


Weather Whiplash February

So far it’s been in the 80s, raining, in the 60s, below freezing and soon it may be snowing. I’m sure Austin will make it to the 70s again before the month is out. But still, progress has been made.


January Postmortem

Reviewing how you reached your goals, if you reached your goals, and the why behind it all is just as important, if not more important, than actually setting those goals.

photography life

Family Trip to Bastrop

The worst past of my recent trip to Bastrop State Park is that I forgot my camera! Luckily, my phone doubles as a camera, just without a lot of the control I’m used to. Other than that it was a beautiful day, the park wasn’t very busy and the kids were ready to hike!


Journeys start with the first step

I’ve been lucky enough to be able to stay home with my kids for over four years now. Initially, the plan was for me to take 6 months off after number 1 was born and then return to work. After a lot of soul searching and looking at finances, it actually ended up making more sense (both mentally and financially) for me to stop working and stay home full time. It’s been a life changing experience. My kids are better for it. I’m better for it. My husband and I are better for it. But now the kids are getting older (4 & 2!) and I’m ready to get back in to the workforce.


And.... check!

I did it! My website is my own - not a bit of me smashed into Red Owl! I realized that the Red Owl format just wasn’t me so I took the leap and spent (a very well spent) $19 on the Étoile theme.



Here’s the list I made in December 2020 for what I wanted to get done. Time to check in and see what I did.

life learn


If you read the last post, obviously nothing came from it. A lot has happened since, including a global pandemic.


It's time to join everyone else!

Do you know what’s hard? Creating a online presence out of pretty much nothing. Sure I have a linkedin, github, and facebook but I’ve never made an effort to get anyone to “follow” me. I still remember when Twitter came out and I thought “This is dumb. It will never work. Why would anyone want to use this??” Apparently I was wrong. I don’t admit to being wrong often but there’s no arguing with how popular Twitter is. So, because @rocktavious and I are creating a company that’s going to need some online presence, I created a twitter account. Check me out at @emmy_oop!


Happy Memorial Day from the Rockmans!

We’re harvesting our garden and cooking ribs!



I was out in my garden this morning, showing my mom how well it was doing over Facetime (that’s normal, right?) and I noticed some rather large poos on my heat tolerant tomato plant. To which my mom exclaimed, “I bet you have those nasty green worms! You better look.” “Nasty green worms” meaning the tomato hornworms which is actually quite beautiful but can destroy a tomato plant pretty quickly.



So I’ve just started a vegetable garden but I’ve been growing things for years. I’m not new to pests but I’m new to exactly how many pests a vegetable garden can attract almost immediately. Where did they all come from??


Beginnings of a Garden

After a year of work, mostly by Kyle, our garden is up an running.  Last night we enjoyed a dinner made 80% from ingredients grown in our garden!
